CO-Sen: Salazar to Interior

Apparently, it’s confirmed:

A transition official for President-elect Barack Obama says Colorado Sen. Ken Salazar will be named Interior Secretary later this week.

The appointment will round out Obama’s environment and energy team. He unveiled most of the team on Monday. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid pre-empting Obama’s upcoming announcement.

This aide did just pre-empt Obama’s announcement – the only thing anonymity does is possibly protect his or her sorry ass (unless this was one of those “intentional” leaks directed from on high). Whatever. I’ve already gone on record saying I’m not thrilled with this choice – I would have much preferred Rep. Raul Grijalva – but that’s neither here nor there for the purposes of SSP.

Gov. Bill Ritter, a Dem, gets to pick Salazar’s replacement. The seat, which was up in 2010 anyway, might now see see a more competitive race than it otherwise would have, especially if Ritter picks a caretaker. Who do you like to replace Salazar, and who might face off against his replacement in two years?

UPDATE: Some names supposedly in circulation, according to the Denver Post:

Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper

Rep. John Salazar

Rep. Ed Perlmutter

Rep. Diana DeGette

Denver Public Schools Superintendent Michael Bennet

Outgoing state House Speaker Andrew Romanoff

Former U.S. Attorney Tom Strickland

85 thoughts on “CO-Sen: Salazar to Interior”

  1. Ritter should appoint either Andrew Romanoff or Cary Kennedy. Colorado can’t be served wrong by either of these terrific leaders.

    I think Andrew is the most likely choice, in all honesty. There are so many possible Republicans that could run though…I’ll diary on that later this week.  

  2. One thing this does is gets rid of an unreliable Democrat in the Senate while keeping one in the House.  I don’t want it to be John Salazar.  I’m inclined to like DeGette.

  3. Perlmutter, DeGette, Hickenlooper.

    All are fine by me. I have no knowledge of the others except John Salazar (NO! No ideological gain and then we risk a house seat)

  4. was considered the heavyweight even when ritter started running for governor.  i like the strongest candidate.  liberal congresspeople representing liberal districts don’t give me a lot of confidence in any of these seats save New York.

  5. Not the worst, but not too thrilled with this.

    I’d be perfectly fine with it on whole if we get Hickenlooper or DeGette. I would be very unhappy if we got Salazar. Perlmutter would be a marginal improvement and I really don’t know much about the rest.  

  6. The two who lost to incoming Congressman Jared Polis.  Former State Sen. President Joan Fitz-Gerald and Will Shafroth, who was with the Colorado Conservation Trust.

  7. Though it should be someone who can also win re-election such as Perlmutter and not someone like DeGette.  I know Ritter is anti-abortion.  Hopefully he won’t make that a litmus-test.

  8. without ever being the Jr. Sen. So does that mean he has seniority over the other freshmen Senators this year? How does this work exactly?

  9. What is Governor Ritter’s approval rating?  Has he been involved in any scandal?  How much does the state legislature hate him?  How much do the people of Colorado hate him?

  10. Hat tip to SG:

    Brad Miller is not interested in NC-Sen.  Scratch him off our candidate list.  

    North Carolina Rep. Brad Miller said Monday he’s not interested in challenging U.S. Sen. Richard Burr, scratching his own name from an early list of prospects as the search for candidates begins.

  11. Please, not a sitting U.S. House Rep.  No more special elections. NO MORE NO MORE NO MORE NO MORE. headdesk

  12. Best political name, except for Lizard People.

    Looms as an uncontroversial pick to move this seat to the left… 87% can’t be called “out of the mainstream” with a straight face.

  13. Both on political and substantive grounds.  And Ritter will probably pick John Salazar.  So we’ll end up with a Salazar, but without a greatly reduced advantage of incumbancy.  Dumb move.

  14. From what I’ve heard, the list looks a little more like this (and it’s not the same as I thought yesterday):

    Speaker Andrew Romanoff

    Speaker-designate Terrance Carroll

    State Sen. Gail Schwartz

    Treasurer Cary Kennedy

    Rep. Ed Perlmutter

    I’d like to throw out a dream candidate though (even though I would LOVE Andrew or Cary to take this seat, as I’ve said):

    State Senator Jennifer Viega. She’s a progressive civil rights lawyer from just outside of Denver. Been in the state legislature for a decade. Hispanic female, which would be a first in the Senate. First openly gay member of the state leg. Great on poverty issues and has good ties with the business community.

    I know it’ll never happen, but a guy can dream.

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